The ANTECH Universal Surface Dose Drum Monitor reproducibly measures the surface dose rate of large numbers of steel drums containing radioactive waste. The product is designed:
The ANTECH G3030 Universal Surface Dose Drum Monitor reproducibly measures the surface dose rate of large numbers of steel drums containing radioactive waste. Five shielded Geiger-Müller detectors are used to measure the dose rate of the top, bottom and sides of the drum under test. The lower detector has a fixed position and the three side detectors and one top surface detector are adjustable to accommodate different drum sizes. A sixth detector is positioned at one metre away and ‘views’ the entire drum surface. During the measurement a servo drive senses the position of the drum surface and maintains the three side detectors at a constant distance regardless of the drum ovality or its position on the turntable.
An operator console allows fully automatic operation of the measurement sequence, real time display of measurement parameters, entry of drum type and identity, report generation, data validation and archiving. The operator console software allows ‘stand-alone’ operation in manual mode for single drum evaluation and supports a test mode for initial commissioning and preventative maintenance. A series of 6 dose rate graphs (obtained as the drum is rotated) are included in the measurement report for each drum.